Jla earth 2 deluxe edition
Jla earth 2 deluxe edition

jla earth 2 deluxe edition

It’s not DC’s greatest era, but Morrison’s spirited JLA title was a highlight, and his reconfiguration of a couple of old Gardner Fox plot springboards (the most obvious found in Justice League of America Archives volume four) continued a high concept streak. This is the period of the Justice League headquartered on the moon, Kyle Rayner as Green Lantern and Aquaman missing a hand, but gaining a spear. This is 96 full pages of his sumptuous delicate line, and these days it’s astounding to consider that it was produced in under a year.

jla earth 2 deluxe edition

His work had appeared illustrating a number of other titles, but it was with Grant Morrison and Earth 2 that Frank Quitely leapt into wider appreciation.

jla earth 2 deluxe edition

Review by Karl Verhoven Spoilers in review

Jla earth 2 deluxe edition