John, a brilliant archaeologist, and Melody, a good-witch type of character. I was also completely charmed by the two adults who accompany them. I could totally see real kids talking to each other like this. The story itself has a lot of funny parts to it and a lot of the dialogue is downright hilarious. I love, love, LOVE time travel stories, so I was already well on board with this theme, but I found myself truly pulled into the story because of the wonderful way the characters were drawn. They are given the extremely important role of making sure that history unfolds as it should and that everything stays cool with the timeline. The Last Timekeepers are made up of a fun cast of five kids and two adults who are thrown together due to circumstance and destiny. It’s that perfect mix of real world humor and pure escapism into an alternate reality, plus there’s a good bit of historical fiction thrown in (which I always love). But I can confidently say that The Last Timekeepers is a series that will probably appeal to you no matter how old you are. I don’t often read Middle Grade fantasy (or much Middle Grade at all, to be honest) so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I was more than pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving this book.