I was smiling and laughing my way through this, despite some of the more difficult conversations. It was really interesting to read about because it was new to me, but she also presents it all in a very understandable, relatable, and humorous way.

I don’t think I have ever read a story of a Russian immigrant before, so I was pretty new to a lot of the cultural habits that she had as a Russian. I am so glad I finally can around to reading it, because I was just as good as I had hoped it would be! Granted, I had no idea who/what “pushkin” was or why that would matter but I got the sense this would be filled with humor and I was correct. This book had been on my list for a long time, and I don’t even remember how I originally found it. Most importantly, she finds that no matter how hard you try not to become your parents, you end up just like them anyway. She finds herself changing her name to fit in, disappointing her parents who expect her to become a doctor, a lawyer, an investment banker and a classical pianist – all at the same time, learning to date without hang-ups (there is no sex in the Soviet Union), parenting her own daughter ‘while too Russian’, and not being able to let go of old habits (never, ever throw anything away because you might use it again). But she soon learned that finding her new voice was harder than escaping the Soviet secret police. When they arrived in the US, Margarita had a clearly defined objective – become fully American as soon as possible, and leave her Soviet past behind.

Despite her father’s protestations that they’d get caught and thrown into a gulag, she convinced her family to follow that plan. That was the gist of every Soviet-Jewish immigrant’s plan in the 1980s, Margarita’s included. Really, how difficult could it be?įake an exit visa, fool the Soviet authorities, pack enough sausage to last through immigration, buy a one-way Aeroflot ticket, and the rest will sort itself out. Buy a pair of Levi’s, lose the Russian accent, and turn yourself into an American.